SEN Transition
Effective transition at all stages is essential to ensure that children feel safe within the learning environment. At Gainford Primary and Pre- School, we have systems in place to ensure that transition is as smooth as possible for all of our pupils.
Transition into Preschool/ Reception
Transition into pre-school and from preschool into Reception Class can be a big step for both our children and their parents. We aim to support our families through this important stage in a number of ways. We have Pre-school provision on site and this is an integral part of our EYFS setting allowing for a smooth transition from preschool to Reception. Children admitted into our preschool will be offered induction sessions and a meeting with parents/carers is an opportunity to discuss and concerns that parents may have about their child.
Early Years Staff, Miss Farley (SENCO) and Mrs Gallagher make visits to all feeder Nurseries to meet the children who will be starting our school. They spend time working with the children, observing them in a familiar environment and talking to their key workers. We encourage all new children to visit the school prior to starting and this is done through a series of three transition days.
These are timetabled so that children can also experience lunch. For children with SEND we would encourage further visits to assist with familiarizing themselves with the new surroundings. We would also complete more visits to their current nurseries. During the final induction session parents/carers will meet EYFS staff and the Headteacher and SENCO and listen to short presentations on EYFS and the Reception year and how we can work together to ensure a smooth transition. We often have visits from nursery staff during induction sessions which helps to reinforce the links between nursery and school.
How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school
At Gainford Church of England Primary and Pre-School, we work closely within each milestone so children become familiar with each staff team. Transition is treated the same at every juncture and children are given the opportunity to take part in ‘Moving Up ’ where children spend time with their new class teacher in their new classroom.
During the summer term staff meet to share information and for those children who require provision that is additional to or different from quality first teaching we make additional arrangements to support these children through the transition. This can include spending additional time in their new classroom, visiting their new classroom with their current member of support staff, beginning transition arrangements earlier in the Summer Term The support provided is tailored to the needs of individual children and will be discussed with parents and carers and the child.
Transition into Key Stage Three
Once Secondary School places are allocated in Year 6 transition visits are organised to take place in the Summer Term with children and families in order to ensure they are fully prepared for the next stage of their education. All of our feeder schools have transition days where your child can meet their new class teacher and their classmates. They will also have opportunities to participate in sample lessons. In addition representatives from each secondary school , usually the SENCO/Head of Year 7 or Pastoral Lead will visit Gainford to talk to the Y6 teacher and to meet and talk with the children who will be attending their school. Children who require more transition days will be accompanied by their parents and/or by a Learning Support Assistant so they can become more comfortable with transition to secondary and more familiar with the new setting . They can also create their own transition file with key information eg timetable, map of school, locker information, key staff etc.
As part of our transition package, the SENCO will ensure that all SEND information is passed onto the next school to ensure that they are fully aware of any additional needs your child may have. The SENCO will work closely with families to ensure that the needs of the individual are met to the best of her ability. For example, extra transition visits for both parents and pupils, involvement of SENDIASS (formerly Durham Parent Partnerships) or support around the social or emotional well-being of the pupil. Children on an EHCP will have an early review meeting in September after they have started Year 6. The SENCO from their preferred school will be asked to attend the meeting.
Your child will have the opportunity to prepare ‘What they are looking forward’ to and ‘What I am concerned about’ with regards to transition and they will be supported to share this during the review meeting. Recently this has taken the form of a slideshow/powerpoint and photo boards.
Joining our school at other times
If your child joins our school during a Key Stage or mid-way through the academic year, systems are in place to aid their transition from their previous school. When you visit our school, the Head Teacher, Mrs Whitaker , will give you a tour and your child will have opportunities to see their new classroom and meet their teacher. If your child has SEND, our SENCO will liaise with the SENCO from your child’s previous school to ensure that we have the required information to enable us to support your child fully. It would be beneficial if you could discuss your child’s needs with us and share any information you have when you visit. We can also organise some transition sessions to help your child familiarise themselves with their new setting.
How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school
If your child leaves Gainford Church of England Primary and Pre-School, the SENCO will ensure that all SEND information is passed onto the next school to ensure that they are fully aware of any additional needs your child may have. We can organise transition visits, in conjunction with the new setting, to help your child adapt to their new school.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment with the SENCO Miss Farley.