
Welcome to Swale Class (Nursery/Reception/ Y1&Y2) 

Class Teacher: Miss Farley
Enhanced Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Gallagher
PPA Cover: Mrs. Maude & Mrs. Gallagher
Whole School Timetable
Reception – We expect children to read with an adult at home at least three-four times a week and record their regular reading in their Reading Record book. Even if these are short, ten minute sessions, it will make a big difference. Children will also start to have small handwriting activities to practice their letter formation at home.
Y1&Y2 – Please ensure that you listen to your child read regularly (at least 3 times per week) and don’t forget to sign their reading record, so your child can get their all important sticker! 

Y1 & Y2 Spellings
PE Days
  • Tuesday pm: EYFS - Throwing& Catching/ KS1 - Dance
  • Friday pm: EYFS - Throwing& Catching/ KS1- Dodgeball

Spring Term 1 Whole School Timetable 2024-2025

Spelling National Curriculum